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Version: 0.1.19

Pebblo Server

Pebblo Server is a REST API application that exposes API endpoints for Pebblo Safe DataLoader to connect. This component provides deep data visibility on the types of Topics and Entities ingested into the Gen-AI application. It uses the snippets received from the Pebblo Safe DataLoader to run through both a Topic Classifier and Entity Classifier to produce the insights and reporting. For more details on how to Pebblo enable your Langchain application see this Pebblo Safe DataLoader for Langchain document.

By default Pebblo Server runs at localhost:8000. The Pebblo Safe DataLoader by default connects to this hostname and port. If the server is running in a different port or a different hostname, the Pebblo Safe DataLoader env variable PEBBLO_CLASSIFIER_URL need to set to the correct URL.

Report Generation

A separate Data Report will be generated for every complete document load operation. A subsequent document loader, either done periodically (say everyday, every week, etc) or on-demand will not overwrite a previous load's Data Report.

Report Location

By default all the reports will be stored in a .pebblo in the home directory of the system running Pebblo Server. Separate subdirectories named with the RAG application name is used when multiple RAG applications uses the same Pebblo Server.

$ cd $HOME/.pebblo
$ tree
├── acme-corp-rag-1
│   ├── pebblo_report.pdf
│   ├── bfd46d34-42c7-4819-846c-f54b3620f540
│   │   ├── metadata
│   │   │   └── metadata.json
│   │   └── report.json